Catholic Groups Among Those Receiving Hannon Foundation Grants

Santa Monica, CA (March 2024) – Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary and the Jesuit Volunteer Corps were among sixteen social service organizations benefiting from a new round of Hannon Foundation grants.

The grants were given to groups that provide support in the Los Angeles area to those experiencing food insecurity, homelessness, mental health issues and more.

A few of the other Catholic organizations that received grants including American Federation Pueri Cantores, which is the student choral organization of the Catholic Church; Maryvale, which offers an array of services for underserved families; and St. James Inn, which provides housing for families of critically ill patients.

“Our founder, my late uncle William Hannon, made it a priority to support organizations that are making a substantial difference in our communities, especially helping the underserved,” said Kathleen Hannon Aikenhead, president of the William H. Hannon Foundation. “Today, that is more critical than ever before.”


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